Basic vocabulary words, greetings and simple phrases
Converse at a basic level about one’s family, hobbies, surrounding, make reservations, ask for directions etc.
One can survive in a foreign language speaking country.
Advanced vocabulary words & sentences in which one will be able to express one’s opinion with limited but more advanced vocabulary words than A1.
Able to read & understand basic news, articles, and advertisements etc.
A higher level of study that can be used by the individual in a work environment in the foreign country.
Develop and express a narrative opinion, describe events/experiences, discussion about most of the general, personal, professional topics around us.
Understand more complex & technical topics in any kind of an environment
Fluency in communicating with native speakers, providing detailed opinions, participating in debates & discussions
Content is structured to align with requirements of the corporates, educational institutes or individuals.
Courses can be structured to focus on the following: